Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Graveyard, Dinner at Monika's, off to denmark!

Hi everyone!

On Sunday i went to the local graveyard to check out the grave decorations for all saint's day. this is the day when austrians visit loved ones and light candles and bring lots of flowers and branches to decorate the graves. the graves themselves are way cooler than any other graves i've seen before. they are more like plots of ground with little beds of grass/flowers/plants growing on them. so you can really feel that death also brings life. i went with jameson and colleen, a couple of americans that i invited. we talked about how we would like our bodies to be dealt with after death, which was interesting.

on monday i went to monika's for dinner, which was of course delicious. one thing about this meeting that was interesting is that we were talking about Bio Markts, organic food stores, and jeff (an old teaching assistant that was also at michaela's house for dinner when i was there) reccommended that I check out a place called matzer. i thought he said Matza so i was like, "is it spelled like the jewish bread?" and michaela's son was like 'what is jewish bread?' and i explained matza bread and matza balls. they told me that they know no jewish people personally. i was thinking how many jews i know! it's just so crazy when something like this comes up and you realize how different the place you are living is actually is. damn you hitler!

anywho i am drinking some coffee and getting ready to go to denmark this morning to see auntie M and uncle ephe and Andrea. Woo hoo! family!

i love you all


  1. Auuurrrghh, damn you and your ability to just hop on a train and go to Scandanavia, man. Hahaha. I'm jonesing to go back to Norway, but needless to say that's a little bit harder to do here than it is, say, when you're already in Europe and all.

    Take pictures!

  2. Have fun with the FAM! Looking forward to your adventures in Denmark.
    It is strange that none of the people you had dinner with didn't know of any Jews personally, but hey in the south valley in Albuquerque I never met or knew of any Jews. I never even knew what a draddle was till you went to Montessori school. I guess we are all isolated from one another once again by our family/place of origin.
    Love you!!!
