Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ski Trip with my students!!

I have a big update coming about Ben and my trip through Austria for Easter Break, but first I gotta tell you about an awesome ski trip i took with the 2nd class from the HTL to Saalbach Hinterglemm (in Salzburg land).

Our trip was about a week long. We left on Sunday the 7th of March on a bus and got there a few hours later. Although the teachers invited me to sit with them on the bus and also in their own private room for meals, i chose to sit with the students to get to know them better. I had a great time not just hanging out with them at evenings (they taught me some austrian card games, plenty of slang and correct "styrian" german pronunciation), but also skiing with my group IN THE ALPS! I chose to be in the "slowest" group, which was still pretty fast. My students rock at skiing.

The first slope we skied was a black for some reason. This picture doesn't look so bad, but it was (at least for me). I fell twice! lol.
But in the course of the week i got much better, not just because of practice but also because the teacher leading my group taught me some skiing techniques. We skied everyday and the weather was for the most part beautiful. Here are some pictures.

I am so thankful that I had this experience. I will never forget it.


  1. The snow and mountains look beautiful! So glad you and the students hung out, So much to learn form them too!
    Looking forward to your Easter break update with Ben. Hope the weather was good for you guys!
    Note--this is mom not Shannon, for some reason I'm signed in on her account and I don't want to sign out and in again..gads!!

  2. Wow Ashley....fabulous pictures! The skies look gorgeous...I'm very happy that you had such a wonderful time.

    Shannon and I are on a college trip this week--the cycle repeats, no?

    Loking forward to your next entry!

    love, dad
